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Employment Law FAQs

What is Employment Law?

The term employment law covers a wide range of issues that include things such as wrongful termination, sexual harassment, employment discrimination and whistleblowing. It usually involves the relationship between an employer and employee, but can also include coworkers under certain circumstances.

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How Do I Know if I Have an Employment Discrimination Case?

Discrimination in the workplace occurs when your job (including hiring, firing and promotions), is affected because of your age, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. If on the other hand, these decisions are made based on your abilities and job performance, they would not be considered discriminatory.

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How Do I Know if I am Entitled to Overtime Pay?

In California, all non-exempt employees who work over 8 hours, and up to 12 hours on any given workday, or for the 1st 8 hours worked on the 7th consecutive day is entitled to be paid 1 ½ times the employee’s regular rate of pay. On any given workday, all hours worked over 12 hours, and all hours worked after the first 8 on the 7th consecutive day should be paid double their regular rate of pay.

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I Rarely Get Meal or Break Periods at Work. What is the Law in California for This?

In California, your employer is required to provide a 30-minute meal break for every 5-hour work period. They must also allow non-exempt employees a 10-minute break for every 4 hours worked. If your employer fails to do this, they are required to give one hour of pay for every day these meal and rest breaks are not given.

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Does My Employer Have to Pay Me for Sick Time and Vacation Time if I Quit?

In California, accrued vacation time is considered wages and should be included in your final paycheck. There is however, no legal obligation to pay your for sick time.

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Can My Employer Require Me to Take a Drug Test?

If safety is important in your particular job (truck driving, construction work, airline pilot, for example), then your employer can legally drug test you with or without notice. Drug testing is also permitted where you have agreed to it in a written document. Otherwise, your employer must suspect drug activity to conduct a drug test.

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My Boss Made a Rude, Sexually Suggestive Comment to Me. Can I File for Sexual Harassment?

If your employer offered you benefits or increased pay for sexual favors, then they can be held liable for one comment. Whether you have a case however will depend on whether your employer’s actions were “severe and pervasive.” Generally, a single rude comment would not be considered actionable.

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Can Sexual Harassment Claims Only Exist Between Employers and Employees?

While it is more common for sexual harassment claims to exist between employers and employees, coworkers can also be involved.

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Can I be Terminated for Reporting Illegal Activity at Work?

No. If you were the whistleblower of an illegal activity at your job, you are entitled to protection from any retaliation by your employer.

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What is Does “At-Will” Employment Mean?

An “at-will” employee has no defined employment term and the job can be terminated by either party. This work arrangement is presumed where there is no written employment contract or oral agreement that does not specify the term or grounds for termination.

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Do I Need a Lawyer for an Employment Claim?

It is highly recommended that you speak with experienced legal counsel if you have an employment issue. Labor laws are always changing, and employment disputes can be complex. In order to ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best possible chance of success with your claim, speak to a lawyer as soon as possible.

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How Long Does It Usually Take a Case to Settle?

The answer is it depends. The typical employment dispute can take up to 1 year to be resolved. If the case is particularly complex or involves a high dollar amount, it can take up to 2 years to settle. Keep in mind however, that your lawyer will be working to resolve the matter in the quickest, most efficient manner possible. That said, a case can resolve sooner depending on the circumstances.

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Client Reviews

I've known Mr. Vakili for over 20 years. I worked with him on numerous legal issues as well as one case that went all the way to the Supreme Court of California. There is no doubt he is one of the top lawyers in the state of California let alone Los Angeles. I can't speak highly enough about his professionalism, his intelligence in dealing with complex legal issues and his hard work. He's exceptionally compassionate and cares greatly about his clients.

I have known dozens and dozens of lawyers throughout my lifetime and career and he is truly one of the most exceptional. Are you looking for a lawyer you cannot go wrong here.

Pete T.

I worked with Said on a family matter and was extremely happy with the results and his hard work. Not only did he do a great job for me but his office and staff were tremendous! My calls are returned promptly documents were expedited when they were needed.

I cannot be happier with Mr. Vakili and I recommend him to anybody looking for a lawyer in Los Angeles.


A mutual friend referred me to Mr. Vakili's office. When I went to the office I immediately was taken with the winning attitude in the office. The were right on their game hitting all the issues and developing a strategy for us to follow. It has been several years since our initial meeting and anytime I have a problem in Los Angeles I instantly turn to him as a great legal resource. I've referred many people to him over the past few years and have only gotten the same positive feed back I'm that I'm placing in my review. If you are looking for an attorney, my advice is to look no further and hire this firm.

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