
Workplace Bullying

The topic of bullying has received a lot of media attention with respect to schools. Schools across the country have implemented anti-bullying policies to help keep children safe at school. However, the schoolyard is not the only place that bullying occurs. Bullying also occurs in the workplace. Workplace bullying is defined as abusive conduct in the workplace that prevents the target of the bullying from getting work done. Common types of workplace bullying include teasing, name-calling, belittling, threatening, and sabotage. While there are not specific state and federal laws that make workplace bullying illegal, certain types of bullying is illegal under state and federal anti-discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination laws protect employees from harassment, including bullying, based on protected characteristics, such as race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, pregnancy, age, or disability. In other words, if you were targeted by a workplace bully based on a protected characteristic, then the bully would have committed an act of discrimination. People who discriminate based on individual characteristics such as race, gender, national origin, and religion face serious consequences and victims of such discrimination are entitled to compensation. If you are in need of an employment lawyer because you believe you have been the victim of bullying at work in violation of anti-discrimination laws, it is important that you immediately contact an experienced Los Angeles Workplace Bullying Lawyer who will review your claim and explain the process for making sure the person who harassed you is held accountable.

When Workplace Bullying is Illegal

Bullying in the workplace can give rise to legal claims. Workplace bullies tend to focus on and take advantage of perceived weaknesses in their victims. In some cases, the bullying actions of one person leads to similar bullying by other people. While bullying itself is not unlawful, workplace harassment due to sex, national origin, disability, age, race, religion and a variety of other factors is illegal under both state and federal anti-discrimination laws. Such laws include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).

Examples of Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can take a variety of forms. In some instances the bullying actions are overtly aggressive, while in other cases they are subtle.

  • A boss or a coworker is verbally abusive or aggressive toward you.
  • A boss or a coworker is aggressive toward you in a nonverbal way.
  • A boss or a coworker belittles your ideas, work or opinions.
  • A boss or a coworker humiliates or embarrasses you in front of others.
  • A boss or a coworker retaliates against you.
  • A boss or a coworker tampers with your personal belongings.
  • A boss or a coworker stalks, spies on, or pesters you.
  • A boss or a coworker threatens you with unwarranted punishment or termination.
  • Your boss or coworkers conveniently forget to invite you to meetings or work-related social events.
  • Your work is sabotaged.
  • Your boss sets unrealistic expectations and goals for you.
  • A boss or a coworker physically, emotionally, or psychologically abuses you.
  • A boss or a coworker directs offensive, demeaning or profane jokes toward you.
  • Your boss does not address your concerns about being harassed, bullied or discriminated against by a coworker.
  • A boss or a coworker takes credit for your work and ideas.
Pursuing a Claim

If you are the victim of bullying in your workplace, you have the right to bring a claim. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be able to file a claim against not only the person harassing you, but also against your employer. By holding the harasser accountable for his or her illegal actions you may be entitled to receive damages in the form of compensation. In addition, your employer may be required to implement new policies to help prevent harassment and other discriminatory actions in the future.

If you have been harassed on the job, it is important that you contact an attorney right away. Claims for workplace discrimination or harassment are subject to a statute of limitations. A statute of limitations law gives the time limit that a plaintiff has to bring a claim against another person or entity. Failure to timely file a claim may mean that you will be forever barred from pursuing compensation in your racial discrimination case even if your case has merit.

Los Angeles Workplace Bullying Lawyer

If you have been bullied at work due to your race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, religion, any other protected characteristic, it is important you discuss the specifics of your case with an experienced employment lawyer to ensure that your claim is handled properly. Not only may the discriminating party face serious consequences, you may be entitled to compensation such as back pay and punitive damages. The staff at VAKILI & LEUS, LLP has years of experience successfully representing clients who have claims against their employers for vacation pay, wage-and-hour claims, and other employment-related issues. Keep in mind that there are time limits for filing claims. Contact us at 1-855-52LA-LAW (1-855-525-2529) to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your concerns related to your employment.

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